Monthly Archives: September 2015

Kentucky Revisited!

Moncie Karl

Moncie and Karl get together for a picture at the home of Pam and Charles Wolford!

Group Shot Irma Family

Opal and Karl join Irma and her children Moncie, Connie and Pam with her dog Sophie to create this group picture!

Aunt Opal Visits Peter Creek!

Connie Opal

Connie and Aunt Opal display a hug during her recent visit!

Moncie Opal

Moncie and Aunt Opal share an embrace together. Moncie is named after Opal’s dad!

Pam Opal

Pam and Aunt Opal place their heads together as Pam holds her dog Sophie!

Irma Opal

Sisters Irma and Opal model for this portrait jointly while visiting recently. Irma is the mother of Moncie, Connie and Pam!


Julianne 2015!


Miss Julianne is the granddaughter of Cecil and Anita Estep. Opal and Karl are currently staying at their plantation. Julianne is showing the beautiful Rose of Sharon to me because I asked her to and she gave me this gorgeous assortment of pictures!

Julianne Between Tree

Julianne takes a quick glance outward with her face sandwiched between two trees!

Julianne Looking At Berries

Julianne inspects berries she had plucked from the bush behind her!

Julianne Smiling

Julianne shows off her beautiful smile she uses to woo everyone!

Julianne Up In A Tree

Julianne climbs a tree and peers out during her recent photo shoot as she practices modeling!

Julianne With Statues

Julianne poses with her lawn garden statues!

Julianne With Sun Glasses

Julianne adjusts her sun glasses as she prepares to sit down for the autograph session!

Julianne Wearing My Glasses

Later in the day Julianne tries on my glasses and says you wear mine now take a picture of us!